I am a registered member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapy and abide by their ethical framework and professional standards (BACP https://www.bacp.co.uk/media/3103/bacp-ethical-framework-for-the-counselling-professions-2018.pdf) I am also an associate member of the National Counselling Society (NCS). I am fully insured covering Malpractice/Professional Liability, Public Liability and Products Liability.
Counselling sessions are for 1 hour and are normally weekly and may change to fortnightly when counselling is coming to an agreed end.
Participation in counselling is voluntary so you can end the counselling at any time, and you can discuss your decision to end counselling with me beforehand, allowing us time to conclude our work together appropriately.
Counselling sessions may be face to face (at the my location unless otherwise stated in advance), online or by telephone. A series of sessions may be a blended approach. It is your (client) responsibility to ensure I know in advance which form of delivery best suits you at least 24 hrs before a session is due to begin.
The whole session time belongs to you, whether you choose to attend or not, if you arrive part way through your allotted time I will see you for the remainder of the time.
If you need to cancel a counselling session for any reason, you must contact me on 07999352136 at least 24 hours beforehand or email me on redrobintherapy@outlook.com
In the case of a cancellation, the next appointment (if-prearranged) will take place at the usual time the following week, unless an alternative time and date is arranged directly with me.
If you miss 2 or more counselling sessions or provide 2 late notices of cancellation (less than 24 hours), your case will be reviewed by me and any other third party you may have been referred on by, as the counselling practice needs to ensure that the most is made of my time and to ensure that counselling is consistent.
It may not be possible to make up missed sessions that have not been cancelled in good time.
If a payment has not been made after a session, I reserve the right to cancel all ongoing sessions until the late payment has been made. I reserve the right to cancel sessions and close a client's case if there is a consistent failure to pay within a reasonable period of time. In line with ethical practice the client will be offered an ethical ending.
Reviews will take place every 6 sessions in order to look at the progress of counselling and a questionnaire or a method of psychometric testing will need to be completed at this time.
Counselling will ordinarily not last longer than 12 to 20 weeks (if a referred client from a third party organisation, a stipulated number of sessions will have been shared in advance).
I will inform you of any holidays planned. I do not provide counselling services over the Christmas and New Year period. There may also we one to two week breaks during normal holiday periods. You will inform me of any planned holidays at least two weeks in advance.
If I am ill for example, I will contact you immediately. If there is a third party agency/organisation involved, they too will be notified. Your session may, therefore be cancelled. However, an alternative time and day may be negotiated if possible.
I am bound by the Red Robin Therapy confidentiality policy (see below). Within this context matters discussed during counselling will be kept confidential. Only in very exceptional circumstances might confidentiality be broken. These are if:
· The counsellor (Jane Moore) believes there is a serious risk of harm to an individual or the public.
· The counsellor (Jane Moore) believes there is a risk to the welfare and safety of a child or vulnerable adult.
· There is a legal requirement to do so. For example, acts of terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering or a criminal offence.
· Where we are instructed to do so by a court of law.
·Where possible and appropriate, if confidentiality is breached, I may discuss concerns with you. This is at the discretion of me bearing in mind the circumstances being acknowledged at the time. All counsellors receive regular supervision for their work. Similarly, these conversations are also bound by a strict code of confidentiality.
Where a third party organisation or agency may be held within the ‘circle of confidentiality’, I may discuss confidentiality in relation to said organisation/agency.
After each counselling session, I will bear the responsibility of completing the counselling session notes, where they will be placed in a locked cabinet. The notes are kept documenting the work and progress within counselling.
In addition, I am committed to the safe storage of client records under the GDPR regulations. You may ask to see your records if you wish. However, after 6 months notes will be destroyed, thereafter a summary of the process and outcomes will be recorded including dates and the number of sessions and destroyed after 5 years as per my insurance regulations.
There may be circumstances that may interfere with my fitness to practise when providing ongoing care such as retirement, illness, changing work patterns, changes to governance, a physical or mental impairment, and death. In this event I will ensure your needs are met and you will be informed by a nominated person under the direction of my clinical will.
You may not attend a session under the influence of drugs or alcohol and you will not be seen if you do.
If you have a complaint about the counselling service, in the first instance discuss this with me.
If you are not satisfied, you may visit the NCS https://nationalcounsellingsociety.org/have-a-concern/complaints-process or the BACP https://www.bacp.co.uk/about-us/protecting-the-public/professional-conduct/professional-conduct-procedure/ and contact them for further advice.
At the end of your counselling I will invite you to give feedback on your experience or counselling by completing an evaluation form.
You must read through and have a copy of the RRT privacy policy and acknowledge you understand how your data will be collected, stored and how and when disposed of.
If you feel you need emergency support you can contact the below services which can provide you with emergency help:
· My GP services
· Crisis Team – 0300 300 1010
· NHS – 111
· Emergency Services – 999
· Samaritans Helpline – 116 123
In case of an emergency, you will be asked by me for permission to contact an emergency service and/or my next of kin on my behalf.
For reasons of safety, I will request permission to contact your G.P. should it become necessary. I will inform you before contacting any other party.
Once the (contract) agreement has been signed (together with remote/telephone agreement if required), this indicates the contract has been accepted by you. It may be ended at any time but will otherwise apply whilst the counselling is continuing.
Contact takes place within the therapeutic setting of the counselling session. Contact with me outside of the session is discouraged. I have little social media presence, should contact be attempted outside of the boundaries of the counsellor/client relationship it will not be acknowledged.
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